Jun 10, 2012

Convert Twitter into RSS Feed with Google App Engine: Python

This is a continuation of my Python 2.7 and Google App Engine series. If you are just starting out I suggest you start reading Getting Started and First App. If you are after parsing XML or HTML files please see my posts 'Parsing XML with Google App Engine: Python' or 'Parsing HTML with lxml and Google App Engine: Python'.

Simple RSS syndication

We are going to assume you have already created a project ( Hint: You just need an app.yaml configuration file and a main.py file). If you don't know, please refer to one of my earlier blog posts (above) or the references (below).

In your main.py file add the following:

# The webapp2 framework
import webapp2

# The minidom library for XML parsing
from xml.dom.minidom import parseString

# The URL Fetch library
from google.appengine.api import urlfetch

# Fetches an XML document and parses it
class MainPage(webapp2.RequestHandler):
    # Respond to a HTTP GET request
    def get(self):
        # A try-catch statement
            # Grabs the XML
            url = urlfetch.fetch('https://api.twitter.com/1/statuses/user_timeline.xml?screen_name=almightyolive&count=10&trim_user=true')
            # Parses the document
            xml = parseString(url.content)
            # Outputs the RSS
            # Sets up the webpage

        # Our exception code
        except (TypeError, ValueError):
            self.response.out.write("<html><body><p>Invalid inputs</p></body></html>")

# Output the XML in a HTML friendly manner
def outputRSS(xml):
    # The get the states list
    statuses = xml.getElementsByTagName("status")
    # Set up our XML return
    outputString = "<?xml version='1.0'?>\n<rss version='2.0'>\n\t<channel>"
    outputString+= "\n\t\t<title>Almightyolive Twitter</title>\n\t\t"

    outputString+= "<link>https://twitter.com/#!/almightyolive</link>\n"
    outputString+= "\t\t<description>The twitter feed</description>"

    # Cycled through the statuses
    for status in statuses:
        #Gets the Text and date and cycles through them
        text = status.getElementsByTagName("text")[0].firstChild.data
        date = status.getElementsByTagName("created_at")[0].firstChild.data
        string = "\n\t\t<item>\n\t\t\t<title>" + str(date) + "</title>\n"
        string+= "\t\t\t<link>https://twitter.com/#!/almightyolive</link>\n\t\t"
        string+= "\t<description>" + str(text) + "</description>\n\t\t</item>"

    # Output string
    outputString += "\n\t</channel>\n</rss>"
    return outputString   

# Create our application instance that maps the root to our
# MainPage handler
app = webapp2.WSGIApplication([('/*', MainPage)], debug=True)

This is a very simple feed; you won't get any nice links and clicking on a particular item will just take you to the main feed. Now to tweak it just a little....

RSS with links

Now we will add a function that will add appropriate links to our tweets. Note that this is a really, really dumb function: it will apply to ANY instances of 'http' or '@' in a word, so it will accidentally affect emails or tweets about the HTTP protocol. I leave it up to you to fix the code if you don't want these things to happen.

Anyway, replace main.py with the following code:

# The webapp2 framework
import webapp2

# The minidom library for XML parsing
from xml.dom.minidom import parseString

# The URL Fetch library
from google.appengine.api import urlfetch

# Fetches an XML document and parses it
class MainPage(webapp2.RequestHandler):
    # Respond to a HTTP GET request
    def get(self):
        # A try-catch statement
            # Grabs the XML
            url = urlfetch.fetch('https://api.twitter.com/1/statuses/user_timeline.xml?screen_name=almightyolive&count=10&trim_user=true')
            # Parses the document
            xml = parseString(url.content)
            # Outputs the RSS

        # Our exception code
        except (TypeError, ValueError):
            self.response.out.write("<html><body><p>Invalid inputs</p></body></html>")

# Output the XML in a HTML friendly manner
def outputRSS(xml):
    # The get the states list
    statuses = xml.getElementsByTagName("status")
    # Our return string
    outputString = "<?xml version='1.0'?>\n<rss version='2.0'>\n\t<channel>"
    outputString+= "\n\t\t<title>Almightyolive Twitter</title>\n\t\t"

    outputString+= "<link>https://twitter.com/#!/almightyolive</link>\n"
    outputString+= "\t\t<description>The twitter feed for the Almighty "
    outputString+= "Olive</description>"

    # Cycled through the states
    for status in statuses:
        #Gets the statuses
        text = status.getElementsByTagName("text")[0].firstChild.data
        date = status.getElementsByTagName("created_at")[0].firstChild.data
        tweet = status.getElementsByTagName("id")[0].firstChild.data
        # Insert links into the text
        words = text.split()
        for i in range (len(words)):
            words[i] = linkify(words[i])
        # Recompile words
        text = " ".join(words)
        # Creates our output
        string = "\n\t\t<item>\n\t\t\t<title>" + str(date) + "</title>\n"
        string+= "\t\t\t<link>https://twitter.com/AlmightyOlive/status/" + tweet
        string+= "</link>\n\t\t\t<description>" + str(text) + "</description>\n"
        string+= "\t\t</item>"

    # Output string
    outputString += "\n\t</channel>\n</rss>"
    return outputString   

# Detects if it is a URL link and adds the HTML tags
def linkify(text):
    # If http is present in, add the link tag
    if "http" in text:
        text = "&lt;a href='" + text + "'&gt;" + text + "&lt;/a&gt;"
    elif "@" in text:
        text = "&lt;a href='http://twitter.com/#!/" + text.split("@")[1]
        text+= "'&gt;" + text + "&lt;/a&gt;"
    return text

# Create our application instance that maps the root to our
# MainPage handler
app = webapp2.WSGIApplication([('/*', MainPage)], debug=True)

And there we have it; the linkify() function will add links into our tweets to make them more usable and accessible!


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